
the good news...

is i was able to fix the computer sound problem! with the help of ab & uj everything was reinstalled and i found a new audio driver online.

the bad news...i woke up with a migraine yesterday morning that is still raging. i went to work yesterday and barely made it through. today i tried to get up but it wasn't happening. i took 4 replax already which means 1) my tolerance has gone way up and 2) i'm down to 5 for the next 3 weeks since my insurance only covers 9 a month. the joys of ungeneric drugs!
i have to wait until tomorrow morning to take a zomig and see if that will do it. the catch is you have to wait 24 hours between taking a replax and a zomig or something will apparently happen since they are two different types of drugs that don't interact well. can't we all just get along?

i'm going to try to nap since the only time it's not hurting is when i'm asleep. fingers crossed it's gone by tomorrow. i'm excited to go up to the hills and have turkey day.

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