
still burning...

the fire is still going on behind my work. yesterday they were evacuated when the fire was across the street! i'm glad i was off already. today when i drove to work and home i wore a face mask. the air is "unhealthy" and it was really bad. my eyes are nice and red too.

here are some pictures. they're not the best.

the one on top is the street going up the hill next to work. you can kind of see the other side of the street and how it is burnt. that's how close the fire was yesterday. the 2nd one (L-R) shows a plume of white smoke and if you look really hard you can make out the orange flames.
the bottom 2 were taken at the same time in the front parking lot. the one on the left has so much ash it looks yellow. and this was all started by an idiot(s) who can't learn better ways of dealing with their childhood issues then starting fires. what loser(s)! i really hope they're caught and can be brought to justice.

1 comment:

Strayer said...

Yikes, Kate. Take care of yourself.