1) 2nd time writing this on my tiny keyboard on phone.
2) bosses here are telling agents i'm leaving b/ i'm getting married. lies upon lies
3) my boss-that-never-works (now part time for health insurance meaning 5 hours or so a week, whenever she has time) put an invite to her baby shower on my desk. a) she spelled my last name wrong b) it's on ny birhtdya, why would you even be that rude to ask? she knows my bday c) she hasn't spoken more than a couple sentences to me since my notice.. & you want presents! maddness
my position is now being offered at $15-$18 hour! they will have less work & more money. must be nice. shows how much RESPECT i got here.
Shake the dust off your feet, in one huge dramatic display, when you leave the last time!!!
I predict not a long life for that company.
What day is your birthday?
yeah..today was RidiCulous! foe sure. i just count my blessings i'm almost done!
bday is the 25th..6 months from christmas so i get presents on both my birthday & half birthday ;)
And you'll be counting up a long long list of blessings there. It's almost keystone cop material.
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