
Eating the same thing

most of you know i'm a pretty picky eater. it becomes pretty frustrating sometimes.

last nite, for instance, i was hungry. i was not in the mood to go to my favorite fast food place to get dinner (plus i didn't want to spend that extra $5). N tries to help with suggestions of things i have eaten in the past. the 2 suggestions didn't really do it for me. 3 hours later, i accepted one and made a fried egg sandwich. good? it's ok. i wish i could eat what N does. all kinds of crazy things that smell amazing.

growing up we had to sit at the table until our plates were clean-no matter what was on it. this was usually ok with my brother (except for soggy scalloped carrots and some other odd veggie combos) but i would sit with a tuna melt on that plate for hours(the worst were anything pea related, water chestnuts, mac n' cheese, fish sticks and taco meat-the only reason i didn't like the meat was the seasoning..if that would have just not been put on some for me i would have loved tacos). i just didn't like it and trying to force it in didn't work. we had many "tricks" to get ride of the offensive food. my favorite was to toss it under A's chair and of course he would toss his under mine. we tried the cat dish but it didn't work as well as it would for a dog. there was always the hold in in your mouth until you could get to a garbage to put it in. a couple times my mom found moldy food i'd hidden in toys. did that make an impression? nope, still had to eat icky stuff. i know we weren't well off by any means, so i do understand that maybe some of what we had to eat was cheaper then other stuff. i can appreciate that but i would have been happy with grilled cheese. now that i'm older i've tried some of the food i'd "hated" growing up. it's true that i now like tomatoes (but only in certain things in certain situations) my diet is pretty boring now and not the healthiest.

it's almost time for lunch now. i've had grilled cheese almost every work day for the past 3 years..seriously. it makes it nice to be able to make eye contact with the grill man and he just starts making it up. what is my non-work meal? Del Taco cheeseburger, fries, side of secret sauce and a pop. i can strain from the norm to include pizza, some thai food (i love drunken noodles!), some mexican--basically anything involving potatoes, bread or some sort, cheese, mayo i'm good to go.

there's nothing better then putting your french fries in the middle of your grilled cheese or cheeseburger. i learned that trick from my friend J. she was doing the vegetarian thing she'd order a mc d's burger and take out the patty and put in fries. i would try to tell her it's not real meat in the burger anyways haha. i further increased my fry addiction when i was introduced to mayo as a dipping sauce. OMG!!! it's friggin the best thing ever. is it sad when you know what fast food places give the best mayo? i know folks in northern europe use mayo based sauces for their pomme frites.
there used to be a pommes frites place in santa monica on the promenade. last time i went with N to show him, it was gone. very sad.

well now i'm starving! time for grilled cheese :)

1 comment:

Fast Food Maven said...

HB Livin' You sound like my kind of fast food nut. The Del Taco cheeseburger is one of the best kept secrets around.
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