here are pictures of our hotel- the Aqua Wave, right next to the International Marketplace. [as you may recall] on our previous trip to Honolulu we stayed at the Royal Hawaiian. our room was horrible. when we got back this time we found the hotel closed down & a shopping mall built around it. too funny!

view off balcony- we were on 9th floor- towards mountains

view off balcony towards Waikiki Beach-Royal Hawaiian is the pink thing in the picture-where we stayed last time and is now closed

N waving-we got 2 queen sized beds-we had room for my bro & D to stay w/ us the nite before they went to Maui

view opposite the sliding door towards entry & bathroom on left-fridge/coffee maker/microwave & closet off to right

the bathroom was nice-floor was tile so very chilly-used the bath mate for a rug so it was ok-great water pressure-plenty of towels & they gave out beach towels in the lobby.
friday nite we saw fireworks off the deck. we drove through Chinatown while they were closing streets for a festival on our way back from the shrimp truck, falls and my bros campsite up on the north shore.
more to come...
Very cool. You got to go to Hawaii. Did you go into the ocean, snorkeling, anything like that? how fun! Great! What'd you do, besides the wedding?
just stay posted...:)
i got your newsemail too. i just haven't had a chance to read much else yet. i can't wait to relax this weekend.
Awesome! I love the view AND the pink curved balcony.
it was really nice..expecially compared to the royal hawaiian last time. you could hear the garbage trucks every morning for about 20 minutes but i'm used to that from home. the beds were super comfy! and plenty of hat water in the shower!
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