growing up, every easter part of the decoration set-up was to hang the big plastic eggs on the tree in the front yard. i guess i've carried it on now. ack! C&D sent a nice, sugar filled box of easter goodies from WA. i used those plastic eggs for the plant & N got some ribbon from his work for me. the plant is from AB's place in WH along with the aqua globe in the dirt.
easter snuck up on me this year and we're out of stamps so i haven't gotten a card off to my gpa yet. i guess you can have a belated easter card..why not it's the thought and maybe they'll be on sale. :)
still no job. i've had interviews at 2 different companies so far. not much progress. i send out about 2-3 resumes a day [for jobs that are fulltime & i'm qualified for], on average. when i job searched last august i had 6 interviews after just 1 week! & sent my resume out about 6-7 times a day. keep hoping for me. the first place i really was pulling for & i even had 2 interviews there with a total of 5 people! but no call. the 2nd place i think i babbled like a nutcase so bad. they're interviewing about 25 people in 2 days for that reception job. it's crazy. i just want to work so i can buy food and N can stop supporting my pepsi habit.
have a great weekend! J&S's friends from FL are coming up tomorrow. i've met them before and they're a great couple. they're about 50-60 and really relaxed. we'll go up there for dinner tomorrow & i'm making the krunchy potatoes. S will BBQ. it'll be yummy! plus we'll get to hang out with B. she's so cute!
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