
so's you don't get too jealous...

here are some NOT so pretty things on Highway 542.

we have both gotten new job assignments this week so that is exciting. i'm in bham & N goes up to Ferndale [at least not as far as Blaine]. i don't want to get too over excited, buti really like what i've been doing there.. it's basically the same thing as my last few jobs as sales ass[istant].

45 mph behind gravel truck in AM..speed limit 55

this truck had the middle lights over the back window on the whole drive.
Bight lights in both directions, not safe or smart.
2 for the price of 1

hard to see i know but the car in front
of me has NO lights on!! the brake lights worked..

another shot of the tag team


ab said...

too many strange things happening on the road. be careful.

Mom said...

Glad you and N have both gotten jobs and that you really like what you are doing, it definitely makes the day go by quicker.