
Good Morning

First post of ...hmm...forever i guess. do i take a picture of myself typing this to save for all mankind? nah there will be spelling and puncuation errors from time to time...
now that i have this space to write, all my "cool" ideas seemed to have gone out for lunch. perhaps brillance will strick later...here's hoping!

it's another hot one today. hope the cats can stay cool.

so last nite i'm in the shower waiting for the water to warm up (for some reason it takes sooo long for me but never n) anywho...as i'm standing in the cool stream waiting for warmth i notice the pool filling up at my feet. so i grab the plunger and begin my best impersantion of a plumber, whoch seemed to fail miserably. i got out (oh yes there was some swearing going on), felt extremely sorry for myself and my crappy luck and stared sadly at the small kitchen sink we have trying to imagine my hair being washed there to no avail. a message was left for maintance so hopefully they'll be in today to snake it out. our building has plumbing issues from time to time. I just wanna wash my hair!!! that's enough whining for now.

So it's almost the weekend yeah!!

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