
Are you ready for some Football?...

and so it begins today. what does that mean to me (i'm sure you're dying to know)

football means...
grocery shopping on saturdays (
N, our fearless shopper, won't have to leave the apartment complex... i think laundry can still be done on sundays)
listening to hours of earnest debate and cursing directed at the TV and the announcers
...for those of you Sea-town fans no more explanation is necessary
$$$... if i can manage to win the f-ball pool a couple times this season it makes up for watching the games all weekend
possibly the purchase of an additional TV for the LR (a little small one)...since it is not possible for us to sit in different rooms watching TV. there are just too many important things going on for us to be a wall apart.

my friend C at work will be gone for like 3 weeks. i think i'll be ok (since it's all about me, right jk). she's been so nice to vent to about stupid stuff. C have a GREAT Trip!

it's finally cooling off! it's so crazy the difference humidity makes. that's why i'm a west coast brat. we're spoiled with dry heat and i love it. i'm sure there are many great reasons for people to live where it's humid, to each their own. me, i like not sweating all day and nite (inside with fans pointed directly at my face) maybe if i had AC it would be different but that would cost more in bills and i'm cheap.

a couple years ago i was hypotized by the shiny glow of the TV and bought this. what a great idea right? it'll run all day and my car will be so chilly i'll need a sweatshirt when i leave work. it said to make sure the car is in direct sunlite. ok, we have no trees or shade in the parking lot here so i'm good on that. hahahaha silly me. direct means you have to take it off the window and physically hold it as close to the sun as you can (for me it's about 3 feet armstretch) how will that cool the car if you holding it outside you may be wondering. answer: it doesn't! what a great idea if it was functional. i returned it and after some work even got the credit back. there are lots of people i've read about online who bought this and had to battle to get their money back. i'm sure you recognize it with the picture...don't laugh i really thought it would be great if it worked..and it would be!

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