
Roscoe's House of Chicken 'n Waffles...

i'm not sure how many have heard about this restaurant. we'd seen it on the food network before. when J said she worked by one in LB i started getting excited. then she said she'd tried it and wanted to know if she should pick-up some for take-out. YES!!! so she grabbed some on her way home.

was it good? nah...DeLIcIouS and this coming from someone who isn't a big fan of chicken (but i love chicken flavor) we put it in the oven to say warm and it was great. i can only imagine what they taste like super fresh.

the waffles have a slight cinnamon flavor to them and they have their own special syrup. we got a few sides (which are pretty small proportionally to the chicken) mac 'n cheese looked a little scary at first but tasted SOOOO GOOD! the cornbread was awesome with some syrup drizzled over it. the potato salad was enjoyed by N & J
now that your sufficiently curious...here are a couple pics of the plate :)

If you want to check out their site you can click here: http://www.roscoeschickenandwaffles.com/

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