
Frozen Yogurt Craze...i feel like i'm in a time warp

i've been thinking about this for a little while now.

is this supposed to be a new fad? back in the late 80's frozen yogurt was the new craze. there were TCBY's all over it seemed. where i grew up we had a strip of stores we called the junction. in the junction there was a frozen yogurt place. my mom loved it and she would take us there a bunch. i wasn't too big a fan. personally i'm a sorbet or ice person anyway, but there were tons of toppings so you could always sugar it up! i think that's when baskin 'n robbins started carrying yogurt also. i don't know if they still do or not.

the new fad yogurt shops aren't anything new, or special. i don't expect them to be around to long either..just like the last phase.

thinking about it now..i wonder if there was a craze in the 60's?
are there any new ideas out there?

tonite on Top Chef Anthony Bourdain is going to be back on it. i'm so excited. he is one of the coolest chefs to watch on tv. the travel shows are so cool. hopefully someday he'll do a book signing or something by me and i could meet him and have a smoke and tell him about Pedro's Tacos :)


Anonymous said...

ok I was in San Diego back in March. I was in the airport and say a sign for a TCBY and about freaked out! I ran up to it and saw that they only have vanilla, that was it. I was literaly peeved! I was so happy when I saw that TCBY sign

HotFudgeNubbins said...

only vanilla??
that's pretty lame

do you remember the place in the junction i was talking about?