
She-Ra Anyone?

last year i got a little "obsessed" with ebay. i discovered that people were selling their She-Ra Princess of Power figures and accessories. that was my favorite cartoon when i was young. it's really the only cartoon i wanted toys from. i had most of the figures and the castle and a bunch of other items. of course i ended up tossing them or something when i was "over it" and more grown-up.

a couple years ago i reached the age that most people do where they realize that all the toys they'd played with and loved when they were kids, were still loved by them as adults. the toys bring me back to those early saturday mornings i woke up early and snuck into the family room. we would try to flush the toilet the exact same time someone else tuned the tv on so that mom didn't wake up. pouring 2-3 types of cereal in one bowl and mindlessly shoving spoonfuls into your mouth while staring and the wonder that was saturday morning cartoons. i then decided to amass as much She-Ra stuff as i could find. it started with just the loose action figures but then i quickly realized that they were cooler when i could find them in the package. now one half the wall has She-Ra figures in packages hanging on it.

the obsession rubbed off on N who decided to start tracking down GI Joe. he now has about 10 on the wall and a ton of loose figures and vehicles. i even got my brother some of the old Superfriends figures he had when he was young for christmas. no one was safe. haha

yesterday i finally won a metal lap tv tray. i've been looking for one in decent condition forever and it paid off. the same person had a comforter also and i couldn't resist and had to try for it. i got that too! so not only did i get 2 cool things but i saved on the shipping. i'm going to get the comforter dry-cleaned. i've never had anything dry cleaned before so i'm really hoping i don't end up on people's court. :)

if anyone has a Bubble Power She-Ra, Loo-Kee, Spinerella or Crystal Swiftwind in a package let me know!! :)


Strayer said...

Very cool!

Anonymous said...

I just found my litte ponies at Toys r Us that are boxed and are 1983 limited edition. They are exactly the same as what we had as kids, and not all gliterry and have punked out maines.

I love finding toys that we played with as kids on ebay.
