
It's a little hot...

i hope everyone had a great weekend!

we've had some high humidity going on here, so with the hot temp and sticky weather it's not the most fun. we have 3 fans that do ok. i love dry heat (vegas anyone?), it's humidity we're not to used to out here. i'm glad we live where we are, close to the water or it'd be even worse.

enough of that complaining!!

the weekend was great. we were able to have the pool at the apartment both saturday and sunday mornings for over an hour all to ourselves! it seems the general population start coming out about noon. it's so hot at 10am it's perfect to jump in the pool. monday we went out and it was empty, but it was getting gross. the giant clump of hair pretty much did it for me. i can ignore a bug or two. i can believe that the chlorine will kill anything that's bad even if the pool bottom is slimy but not the hair clump. but the office was closed on monday for the holiday so that why it wasn't cleaned up. if i had access to the skimmers i'd do it myself but they lock them up. now i'm even a tiny bit tanned! even with my sunscreen.

N wanted to see the simpsons so we did just that. fortunately i had 2 passes left over from something so we didn't have to pay...$7.50 each for a matinee ... seriously?? that's insane! but the movie was good. there's something about watching them on the big screen in surround sound that is kinda surreal. most of the other people there (it was about half full) were couples our age. a few kids of course but not too many.

what was my want for the weekend? Pedro's Tacos of course! there are 3 places you can go to get Pedros. the original in Fallbrook (we went there when my friend L was married out that way) and 2 in SC. even though it's 35 miles one way it is worth it! it's cheap and quick and there's always a small crowd of locals eating. i always have 2 potato tacos. they're perfect! sometimes a shrimp taco or a burrito. you can even get chicken strips in a taco or burrito. n likes the carne a sada taco. i wanted to take a couple more pics of the actual food, but i was blinded by the food. if anyone visits us..you'll be taken here :)

so that was about it.
oh i just found out our friends are getting married next year! Congrats again M & E!
we can't wait to be there..i'm already looking for deals. haha..maybe you'll get a furry present :)

go in water- check
go to Pedros- check
go see The Simpsons- check
hang with the cats- check+

i hope the week goes fast for everyone! we did try to win the megaball and bought tickets. did you hear about this guy who won? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/02/AR2007090200784.html makes you think....do bargains work?


Strayer said...

Ooooh, yucky yuk! A hair clump in the pool! So the Simpsons movie was good? Springfield, OR tried its best to get the premieire in the "Where's Springfield?" competition prior to the release of the movie. They should have won! The guy who created the Simpsons once lived there, at least I think he did. And the town mentality is JUST LIKE that featured on the Simpsons.

We are finally getting hot weather here!

The Home Makeover family is experiencing problems. They still have a huge mortgage over their heads from their original house, and now have to pay higher property taxes and utilities with the brand new house. I guess that episode, featuring the building of the house in Corvallis, will be aired sometime this month. The little girl of the family, stricken with cancer, is not doing so well. She's been going through extreme chemo, but still has tumors throughout her body. It's very sad.

Strayer said...

Here's the link, to the local newspaper story on the ABC Home Makeover house recipients. Forgot, was going to add it to the comment! Click here to go to story.

HotFudgeNubbins said...

Yeh the hair clump was NASTY! ewww
the movie was good, but i have a hard time telling people to pay to see a movie since it's so expensive now! that is sad about the makeover family. i'm going to check the link. i always wonder about those extra expenses and who would pay for the "new home" sounds like they're in another bind.